Hey Hey We’re The Monkey’s

 What a difference a day makes……two songs in the first lines, got to be a record (pun intended 😉).

After Todres, drove round the east of the High Atlas over to the Mid Atlas range (not the most imaginative of mountain range naming, I admit) and what a difference 250 km makes!

First there was more greenery and the start of almond and walnut orchards and then moved into a plateau where there was grassland! This was at a height of approx 2100m.

The change of temperature was great (dropping to the low 20’s) but of more note was the huge improvement in air quality as I moved from the dust of the desert.

I have spent the day around the town of Azrou, and in the surrounding cedar forests where I have been ‘lucky’ enough to encounter the Barbary Macaque’s which inhabit these wonderful woods…..great to see truly wild Barbary ‘ape’s’ unlike the colony that live on Gibraltar.

As I never discussed how ‘Ape-proof’ the  Darche roof tent was when I bought it, I took the cowards way out and went to a local spot just outside the forest in a cherry orchard…..the thought of these buggers trying to break in in the early hours could have pushed me over the edge (bad memories of Knowsley Safari Park when Rachel and The Boy were kids🥴)

The one good thing as I get north is that there will be no more wild camping so I can now retire the spade from active duty when it comes to the ‘long walk’ for ablutions……will not go into details, suggest you watch ‘Ice Cold in Alex’ if you need more info.  Farewell trusty friend, you have served well 👍🚽


  1. You’re having far too good a time! So with barely a week to go before Nigel is due to catch a ferry back over to Spain and begin the journey home I think, fellow blog followers, it is time to start the sweepstake. As I see it there are six horses in the running for why he’s coming home..
    1: the search is over and he has found that they already make the perfect Merguez @Town End farm shop
    2: he’s heard Pete has been producing the very best Hotpot @the Vic and he’s been missing out
    3: he’s got no clothes left having given them away to passing Bedouin
    4: Theakston the sloth is homesick
    5: he’s missing his Pointers
    6: he’s not actually coming back because (insert you own reason here 😂)

    1. Torn between 2 or 5!

    2. Number 5...... he's a soft old Sloth

  2. I'd go for number 3 :)

  3. The ‘married in’ BuckoMarch 26, 2024 at 10:06 PM

    It’s a toss up between 3 and 5!

  4. I figured that he'd run of out space on his "What I did on my holidays" Powerpoint and was now on his way back to inflict, sorry, share it with us all :) Either that or he needs to get his campaign organised for the upcoming General Election. Or the wild monkeys raised a petition to get him sent back because he was lowering the tone :D


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