The Sahara Takes It’s Toll


After a lovely week with ‘the gaffer’ ending up in Marrakesh it was back over the scary Atlas roads to the Sahara proper.

The route was great, passing palm groves, old kasbah’s, and huge desert hills and outcrops.

The Sahara is living up to its reputation as being a destroyer of vehicles as after 48 hrs my rear suspension has failed (not the suspension itself but the bolts which have shaken loose and in the process worn the threads of the main suspension to polished bare metal).  Managed to recover from the desert and drive the 80km to Zagora where I found a great mechanic who was able to sort the suspension and as a bonus he greased all my nipples and transmission which was nice of him (but still walking with the limp🤫)

This place is magnificent, the scale and heat of the desert is immense and when I have finished the vehicle repairs tomorrow I will be heading out to the first dune areas of soft sand where I will be loosing myself for a couple of days.

I also had some success tracking down camel varieties of the merguez sausage in one of the markets we passed through.  Not sure that the gentle folks of Malhamdale are up to camel yet so will keep on searching🫣

Should have said…..I did one try one and to be fair it was ‘rough as a badger’s arse’ so I am with Malham on this one 🤫


  1. life controller aka the gafferMarch 15, 2024 at 4:56 PM

    barely left you alone for 24 hours and you break something! Having seen how long Moroccans can keep their own bikes and cars going out there I reckon they'll have done a great job getting you back out on the adventure trail. Enjoy the heat, you're certainly going to notice the difference when you get back to more than mildly moist Malhamdale


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